“……and we surrounded the enemy with HUSH!”







“……and we surrounded the enemy with HUSH!”





As Mistress Mouse, Littley Lamb, Old Crookeye, and Old Dog picked peas,

Flop-Eared Boy and Donkey flapped and flipped sighs of woe

From way out in front near raging cursin’ from enemies in th’ lees

All worrisome to healers in th’ rear feelin’ fear for Spottedy-toe.



Now Spottedy be stronger, yet quakin’ as he shadowed Croaker,

Who now belched: “Old Crowsy, ye needs take your eyes higher!

“Higher, from that Crowser Lady, higher to see which way we stroker

Away, away, away from mean ol’ beasties drivin’ pea-pickers in mire!”



“Be ye still, be ye in peace,” came a whisper from down low,so low.

“Be ye filling ye-selves up to blow a mighty HUSH,” came from the dust.

“Be ye holdin’ ye-selves encircled by the Light from that scattering blow

Of glinting rocks a tumblin’ from th’ mighty kick a’ Spottedy-crust.



“Oh, yes, sweet friends,”did now whisper Cuddles over the fields.

“Oh, yes, dear ones-with-The-One, fill up now to blow Eternal Hush

“O’er these fields and rocks and rills down to the sea of enemy yields.

“For we are healed by The Light and we are Freed by The Light.”



“Oh, meezie, oh myzie,”burped Old Croaker back up to Ugly Bird with Crow.

“We uns needs not see which way dose beasties do come up at us!”

“We uns only needs to see little more Light, little more Bright to show

How we filled with Love from The One to Blow a Major Hush on that beastie bus!”

“……you mean we get to REST?”


“……you mean we get to REST?”

There on the journey, on the trail came darker shades of dark,

Evening clouds piling up to peaks of the forgotten

Two shaking bodies of light up high reflecting star of  center mark

Marking friends to renew a dance darkly from time begotten.



“Now we’es carries smilin’ lil ‘ol hurt girl into dark!

“How we’es seez for stepping roun’ all hurts an’ brushkies?

“Now we’es bumpin’ an’ stumpin’ all jostlin’ so stark!

“How we’es find some trail to light where sings the lark?”



“Settle ye, peddle ye slow and more slow and seek ye rest,”

Called down Old Crow and whistled Old Ugly and Young Bluesey.

“Know ye not, The One made night for rest, for sighing so blessed?

“Know ye not, ye must be still, be very still for folding within arms so truesey!”



“……and suddenly we heard singing!”




“……and suddenly we heard singing!”







And, now, dear friends and fellow travelers, we watch,we swatch,

Sturdy loving critterly folk make their rugged way o’er water and rock

Ever looking up, ever guided by the Winged Ones, in quest so splotch

With bramble and thorn and glitter and song of wind with heart to stock.

Let us now hold back and listen so still in thrill at climb up a notch

In trail under Wing and Bill shone next ray of Light none could mock.



“Be quietsy, ye ol’ Stumpy Woman, no snortsing of Bush Nose do make;

“For weuns do stretch heartstring to hear sweetsie note by yon lake:”

Thus did friends and critters all did rest with all steps did forsake

To listen and watch and stretch their souls out to veriest edge of calm take.



Toes whispering in the grass,

Fingers whispering the honeysuckle

Tongue whispering in the ice,

Lips whispering in the search.



Windy sun chasing joy;

Tossing branches weaving birds.

Purple perfume smoothing steps;

Dewdropping grasses washing minds.



Chirping birds, chipping old stump.

Rustling grasses, flaking old skin.

Floating petals, drying bloom edges.



“The least, the least!” cried Old Crow.

“Ne’er forget the least,” scraped Grasshopper.

She pondered, “All these berries be enough?”



And so did friends find battered Lil Child

‘neath a poking bramble, near to fainting

And so did friends lift up bleeding Lil Child

bringing saved one to healing juice in painting.







What I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving season is the dawning realization that the most long-lasting blessings, the brightest truths, and the sweetest-tasting peace resides in a very QUIET PLACE!  Some of the quiet places bringing such blessings are the ones I least expected to find as being QUIET!  For example, the utter quiet when you are lying downwind of the turkey flock in the woods, one-split second before you hear that first scratch in the acorns or that first gabble.  Another example is the quiet between heartbeats when you are conciously slowing your own heart to calm a terrified, abandoned dog by the roadside.  Another quiet place is found in your own throat just before you gulp in amazement at the Monarch butterfly lighting on the lip of your abandoned coffee cup.  And has anyone given proper gratitude for that split-second of quiet at the bottom of a crescendo, either in a musical concert or in lovemaking?

I am so very grateful for these split-second hushes of awe simply because they are filled with awe.  Being graced with the ability to stretch our souls wide into AWE is such a priceless blessing for which to be grateful.  My sainted maternal grandfather used to tip-toe in to remind us grandchildren sleeping on pallets after Thanksgiving Day was over that “Now is the part of the day for which you REALLY ought to give thanks.  This is the time for remembrance.  This is the time for storing up your treasure where no one can break in and steal it.  Now is the time for dreaming.  Now is the time for thinking how much love waits for you here in the morning.”  PawPaw, I know you are reading this as I write it, from your specially assigned light beam.  I am so gratefully peaceful in these memories of you.  I am so peacefully grateful that you were, and are, my dear PawPaw.  You always amazed us how quietly you could tiptoe.

I am giving thanks for the quiet of my children’s breaths when preparing to greet me.  I am filled with peace and gratefulness at the quiet in my soul when I view each new set of grandchildren’s photos posted on their parents’ websites.  They are so quiet in their expectations just before their shouts of glee!  Truly, it is the quietness in those brief moments of anticipation for which I give thanks.  These brief moments ride on the faster-than-light particles from my heart to theirs.  From them I have learned to hold my breath and just BE.  The little ones in city, field, and forest know the secret of breath-held peace in preparation for whatever the day brings.  The little ones know the necessity of the held breath.  Without a held breath, a slowed heart, a focused mind, a directed soul, the long-awaited/soon-expected never quite happens fully.

My invitation to you all is to hold your breath, to watch, to focus just a split-second here and there through the happy bustle of this holiday.  The micro-second of utter quiet within yourself will provide its very own “Horn of Plenty”, dear pilgrim.


First, allow me to correct yesterday’s post listing other websites I follow/like/blog on:

Besides http://hahousewife.wordpress.com, I also am “hooked up” with:

http://aboutzen.wordpress.com  (who has a very popular post called “Whispering Trees”)


http://talkingleaves.wordpress.com (which has a lot to do with listing to nature)

I am celebrating today the following:

1)sunrise on frost

2)early birds in my pathways

3)my dogs teaching me so many benefits of quiet walking

4)all of the above sharpening my creative focus and almost pre-selecting my words for me

All of the above are so nourishing for my soul that I am renewed constantly as I write, even when editing and being interrupted with the detritus left over from a day of pushing all that “busy-stuff” onto the back burner of my life!

Hooray for quiet spirits gathering all around me.  Thank you, one and all!