“……and have you ever heard an old crow belly-laugh?”








“……and have you ever heard an old crow belly-laugh?”





Old Crow spots a lush field of succulent peas,

Hiding under fronds stretching for miles under evergreens.

High mountain-valley meadow holding much to please

And sighing caws does Old Crow beak over these worthy beans.



Just now Old Crow spies there a gorgeously plummaged one,

A veritable Lady Crowser so daintily pecking at just one pea.

Pretty, pretty most specialest beauty of a lady, so madey

Like those peas to please all friends and mostly Old Crow in plea.



Just as Crow circles to swoop down to bow to this Lady,

Ugly Cird calls about far away sounds from the riverine seasides:

“Such ugly, ugly bawling sqawling voice we uns do hear, ol’ Matey”

“Can we uns gather pease and quick, quick, get away to friend’s cave, besides?”